Hey folks, I hope things are going well with you. Just a quick update.
The governor has re-opened camping in New Hampshire. This presumably applies to any non-federal area, so continue to follow the most recent USFS guidelines where closures in the Whites are concerned. If I get any more information, I’ll pass it along.
At the present time, all camping in the granite state is limited to New Hampshire residents only. I don’t know how they’re going to enforce this, except that license plates will be the obvious dead giveaway.
It’s important to note that New Hampshire doesn’t have even nearly the same capacity as Boston, where hospitals are concerned. If Coronavirus takes root, that hits small towns particularly hard, and stretches resources faster and deeper. The tough part is that a visitor to a community doesn’t always know if there’s an invisible “gift” being given around. So if you’re in doubt, think about staying home until you’re sure that you’re healthy.
If you’re down in the Bay State and considering a visit, postpone things — not the least, but Governor Baker has extended Mass. stay at home orders well into May, and included a requirement to wear masks in public. That should underscore the fact that you guys aren’t even nearly out of the woods yet. If it turns out Gov Sununu’s orders will be enforced by the police, a fine isn’t what you want to bring home as a memory from your trip.
Everyone we’re getting there, so please, be cool. Don’t make them make another rule.
As always, stay safe out there.