This is a bigger than usual tranche of photos. Mea culpa, right? Sometimes, the photos take themselves, and sometimes, the subject matter defines the size of the haul. That the first part of the hike doesn’t appear in the White Mountain Guide did make me want to include more images, and I hope it helps if you do decide to try going up via the X-C ski trail. (Or if you just decide to make a picnic trip of the orchard and maybe the glades. That’s a totally viable option in my book, too.)
I freely admit to being utterly enchanted by this trip, and so the photos are much more than usual — so too, the trip report was longer (by far!) than usual. Short form, do this hike. Thank me later.
The tough part of the Hancocks is that once you get to the top of one, you have an easy time getting across to the other, and then make quick time back to the car. And along the way, you’ve completely forgotten that while the approach is pretty flat, the last half-three quarters of a mile or so are completely relentless.
Owl’s Head is far enough into the Pemigewasset Wilderness that you need to take weather changes into account. But even though you may not summit, you might just find a few pleasant surprises along the way.