Hike local. Seriously, just do it. You never know what you’ll find. And often, there’ll be that gem that sticks with you.
The sublime is found in the quietude. You, the trail, the mountain, fresh air. Hiking North Pack Monadnock had all that in spades. Perfect.
I’ve been trying to play catch-up with video footage I’ve collected on past hikes. The most recent? Mt Cabot, in March of 2019. The fun part of all of this is that I’m re-living past hikes. As I write this, the afternoon’s weather was quite warm and pleasant — the kind where you open the windows and let in some fresh air.
Mt Isolation is tough. The trail itself isn’t hard, per se, but there’s a lot of mileage, and in the warmer months, there’s a few tough water crossings. In the winter, there’s a bushwhack. And did I mention miles? But it’s an amazing summit with stellar views of Mt Washington. It’ll steal your breath away!
A hike on the Sawyer River Trail has no sweeping vistas, but the serenity from being out in the woods is every bit as huge.
Goodrich Rock. Livermore, NH. 2021-04-08 (Thursday.) Via Greeley Ponds Trail and Goodrich Rock Trail. Approx 6 miles round-trip. 70 dF at the trailhead, 75 dF at the summit. Windless. Sun and clouds throughout. Trailhead: 1300. Goodrich Rock: 1500. Car: 1700. Green on Greeley to Goodrich. Last week, I decided to hang low due to an ingrown toenail that’s been giving me grief. It’s been slowly resolving itself, but not to […]
This is from the hike I did in January, where the views were short, but hey, that’s how things go sometimes. It was a good outing nonetheless, proving Kinsman Ridge is a great hike just about any time.
This week, my gift to you is a video of my hike up Mt Whiteface this past December. It was a beautiful day on a beautiful mountain. Enjoy!
It’s the long-awaited video from my hike up North Twin Mountain, on 21 January, 2021. A cold and snowy day, with no views… a New England Classic!
My first time summiting Mt Isolation, I returned via the bushwhack, and was instantly smitten by the birch glades. Of course, I had to return…
Simply put, hikers came out from the woodwork to enjoy glorious weather on Mt Pierce and Mt Eisenhower.
HIking the Jewell Trail up Mt Jefferson îs a great outing unto itself. Add fantastic weather to the mix and you have a lifelong memory.