
368 posts

Trip Report: Pack Monadnock

So the Whites had severe weather this past week: to wit, the winds were howling. I saw the Higher Summits Forecast calling for winds at 50 MPH, heading to 70, with gusts to 105. Screw that noise. I’ve got a few other things on my bucket list apart from “get rescued after mindlessly scaling a trail without checking the weather first.” Dumb. Instead, I hiked Pack Monadnock. Hey, I got […]

Trip Report: Soft Snow, High Hancocks

The tough part of the Hancocks is that once you get to the top of one, you have an easy time getting across to the other, and then make quick time back to the car. And along the way, you’ve completely forgotten that while the approach is pretty flat, the last half-three quarters of a mile or so are completely relentless.

Trip Report: Breaking Trail on Garfield

Garfield Mountain (4,500 feet). Franconia, NH. 2021-02-04 (Thursday.) Via Garfield Trail. 26 dF at the trailhead. Winds were negligible in the trees. Cloudy throughout.  Trailhead: 1015. Turnaround: 1400. Car: 1630. Approx 30 minute road walk.  There was a snowstorm. Expectations were low.  So there was hiking. But no summit was attained. Never mind, there were clouds everywhere, too. One thing I’ll say is that there was no shortage of winter […]

White Mountains Pemi Loop hiking trail

COVID Vaccine Update

No hiking for me today. The last 24 hours have been rough. Vaccines are supposed to stimulate an immune response, albeit one that would be milder than the actual illness. And sure, compared to how most people feel after contracting COVID, I’m sure I got off lightly. That’s not to say it was fun, and it certainly is saying that it would have been wildly irresponsible for me to have […]