
368 posts

Trip Report: Mt Moosilauke

Mt Moosilauke. Benton, NH. 2019-01-17 (Thursday.) Via Glencliff Trail, Approx 8 miles, including South Peak. 1 dF +/- at the trailhead, 5 dF at summit, with negligible winds in the trees, approx 25 MPH wind at the summit. Unbridled sunshine throughout the day.   Trailhead: 1000; Moosilauke Summit: 1300; South Summit: 1330; back at car: 1500. (Approx. 5 hours.)  I’ll probably have more to write shortly, but the day was amazing […]

Trip Report: North Pack Monadnock

North Pack Monadnock. 2018-01-09 (Wednesday). Via Wapack Trail.  This one’s an easy walk in the woods, even in the snow. Bring basic traction and trekking poles, but otherwise, it’s not that challenging for anyone in suitable shape to go for a walk in the woods. Wintertime offers a stark take on the forest; a study in light and dark, and many times, black and white. The forest is distilled to […]

Video: Mt Tom, Field, and Willey, (+Mt Avalon.)

Mt Tom, Mt Field, Mt Willey, Mt Avalon. 2019-01-03 (Thursday.)  Four mountains means an embarrassment of riches where film footage is concerned. Despite the clouds, there was so much to see, and so much visually striking landscape. Enjoy! If you enjoy reading these posts, consider subscribing, so you can stay informed. There’s no cost to do so. Your email will only be used to alert you of new posts — […]

Trip Report: Mt Tom, Mt Field, Mt Willey, Mt Avalon

Via Avalon Trail, A-Z Trail, Willey Range Trail, Approx 10.6 miles. 25 dF +/- at the trailhead, 20 dF at Mt Field summit, with negligible winds. Cloudy, with some fog.  Trailhead: 0940; Mt Tom Summit: 1215; Mt Field Summit: 1330; Mt Willey Summit; 1430; Mt Avalon Summit: 1600; back at car: 1655. (Approx. 7.25 hours.)  What is the sound of solitude? Considering what I was hoping for, I got a […]

Trip Report: Pack Monadnock

A local quickie on a beautiful day! 19 December, 2018 It was beautiful out, so a hike was in order. I’m still getting used to shooting photos and video with the GoPro, so it was good on at least two levels. Oh, and the views behaved from the fire tower, so there’s a third level — Washington was visible, as were other prominent peaks in the Whites, and with careful […]

Trip Report: Mt Israel

Wow, what a winter wonderland! Israel Mountain, Sandwich, NH. 2018-12-12 (Wednesday) Via Wentworth Trail. 22 dF. Sunny. Light wind, approx 5-10 MPH. 41.5 avg % RH, 7.3 dF avg dew point. 27.92 mm Hg. Trailhead: 1200; Summit: 1345; back at car: 1500. It was a great day to be outside. The weather felt a little warmer than the other day. I’m speculating it’s because the air felt less raw. Either […]

Trip Report: Stinson Mountain

Short and sweet, but wow, what a view! Stinson Mountain, Rumney, NH. 2018-12-10 (Monday) Via Stinson Mountain Trail, including the snow machine loop. 25 dF at the trailhead, 18 dF at the summit. Mostly sunny. Light wind, approx 5-10 MPH. 55% RH, 4 dF dew point. 26.68 mm Hg. Trailhead: 1115; Summit: 1230; back at car: 1330. In terms of efficiency, I have no rational defense: I drove much more […]

Trip Report: Belknap

Piper Mountain, Belknap Mountain, Gunstock Mountain, Guilford, NH. 2018-12-06 (Thursday) Piper Mountain, 2044 ft; Belknap Mountain, 2382 ft; Gunstock Mountain, 2250 ft. See map and details at Approx 4 miles, 3 1/2 hours.  35 dF. Partly sunny and breezy.  Short form is that these very low mountains (by anyone’s standards) are a true gem. That they’re parked in the Lakes Region (itself a gem) only adds to them. When you […]

Trip Report: Mt Monadnock

Variety is the spice of life! Mt Monadnock, 3,165 ft. Monadnock State Park, Jaffrey, NH. 2018-11-15. Via White Dot, Cascade Link, Spellman, Pumpelly, and White Cross trails. Approx. 5 miles, 3 1/2 hours.  Cloudy, 25 degrees F, approx 10 MPH winds at summit. Approximately 25 mile visibility. Ice in many places, micro spikes a necessity.  It’s always good to do the familiar in a different way. One of my faves is to […]

Trip Report: Jennings Peak

What a view!  Jennings Peak, Waterville Valley NH. 2018-11-08. (Thursday) Jennings Peak, 3,440 feet. Via Sandwich Mountain Trail, Drake’s Brook Trail.. Approx 5.5 miles, 4 1/4 hours.  40-45 dF. Sunny, then Overcast. Negligible wind.  This one goes head to head with Welch Dickey. The only reason the other will win is because W-D is lower, and hence, more accessible. Fair enough. But this one isn’t that tough. Only a modestly […]