
368 posts

White Mountain Guide Online shutting down

The AMC is discontinuing the WMG Online site as of the end of September. Currently, they’re no longer accepting new subscriptions. If you have saved routes, they’ll continue to be accessible until the end of September, but expect them to be gone after that. Similarly, if you were thinking about a trip, time to start drawing up and exporting maps. Current subscribers will get prorated refunds as appropriate. Right now, […]

Training Hike: Pack Monadnock

27 June, 2018. Via the Marion Davis and Wapack trails. The unexpected consequence of finishing the 48 was that I felt more than a bit disjointed. I had a sense that something like this would happen — anyone who’s done something big and long-term like this (maybe a wedding, or school, or an all-consuming project at work) knows that often, you just need to sit on the sofa for a […]

Trip Report: North and South Kinsman, Cannon Mountain

And then, there were none!  North and South Kinsman Mountain (4,293 and 4,658 feet, respectively), Cannon Mountain (4,100 feet). Franconia, NH. With a crossing over the Cannonballs. 60 dF at trailhead, approx 70 dF at summits. Cloudy to start, giving way to mostly sunny skies and 20-30 miles visibility. Very windy at Cannon summit — approximately 25-30 MPH. Via Lonesome Lake, Fishin’ Jimmy, Kinsman Ridge, and Hi-Cannon trails. Trailhead: 0745. […]

Trip report: Mt Moosilauke

Short, hard, but sweet! (Yet hazy!) Mt Moosilauke. Approx 9 miles. 4,802 feet. 60 dF at trailhead, approx 60 dF at summits, 30 MPH winds above tree line. Sunny throughout, with a hazy overcast sky. Visibility approx 10 miles, max. Very windy at the summit — approximately 25-30 MPH. Trailhead: 0900. Summit: 1115. Car: 1330. This couldn’t have been more straightforward. Hike Glencliff trail up and down. It’s not “hard” […]

Trip Report: Jefferson, Adams, Madison

It was a long, hard day. Mt Jefferson, Mt Adams, Mt Madison. 2018-06-16 (Saturday.) Via the Sylvan Way, Amphibrach, Randolph Path, Jefferson Loop, Gulfslide Trail, and Valley Way. Approx 14 miles. Jefferson 5,716 ft, Adams 5,799 ft, Madison 5,366 ft. 60 dF at trailhead, approx 60 dF at summits, 30 MPH winds above tree line. Sunny throughout, with a bit of hazy overcast sky. Trailhead: 0930. Jefferson summit: 1415. Adams […]

Trip Report: North and South Twin Mountain, Mt Guyot, and West Bond Mountain

A trio with twins? North and South Twin Mountain, Guyot, and West Bond Mountain. 2018-06-14 (Thursday.) Via the North Twin trail, North Twin spur, Twinway, Bondcliff trail, and West Bond spur. Approx 18 miles. North Twin, 4761 ft; South Twin, 4902 ft; Guyot, 4580 ft; West Bond, 4540 ft. 60 dF at trailhead, approx 50 dF at summits, 30-35 MPH winds, mediated by consistent tree cover on the trails. Mt […]

Trip Report: Mt Cabot, Mt Waumbek

Dynamic Duo! Oh wow, yeah, dynamic. Mt Cabot and Mt Waumbek. 2018-06-12 (Tuesday.) Via the York Pond trail, Bunnell Notch trail, Killkenny Ridge trail, also the Starr-King trail. Approx 17 miles. Cabot, 4170; Waumbek, 4006 feet. 60 dF at Cabot trailhead, low 70s at the summits. Sunny, becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon. 25 MPH winds, mediated by consistent tree cover. Cabot trailhead: 0900. Cabot Summit: 1135. Car: 1330. Waumbek […]

Trip Report: Mt Hancock, North and South

Simple, Sublime, Satisfying. Short and sweet. Mt Hancock and South Hancock. 2018-06-07 (Thursday.) Via the Hancock Notch trail, Cedar Brook trail, Hancock Loop trail.. Approx 10 miles. North Hancock, 4420; South Hancock, 4319 feet. 65 dF at trailhead, cooler at the summit. Cloudy, becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon. Trailhead: 1200. North Hancock Summit: 1450. South Hancock Summit: 1540. Car: 1730. It was an inauspicious start. I’d slept through my […]

Mt Washington (and vicinity) photos

With only minor annotations, I’m going to let the pictures tell the story here. Words will only get in the way. These are more or less in order that I took them. (Right-click to embiggen, cromulently.) Visibility on Monroe was pretty much this. Waterfall on Ammonoosuc Ravine trail. A truly hinky footbridge. And yet, we blindly trust they’ll hold our weight. Gem Pool. Gin clear. Near the summit, looking mostly […]

Gear Review: Salomon XA Pro 3D

Last week, coming back from Zealand Falls hut, I was noticing that with every step, I was feeling an odd twinge in my knees. It wasn’t a pain, per se, but the fact that I’d been wearing a four pound pair of hiking boots all day was becoming acutely apparent. I’d read a paper describing research the British Ministry of Defence did back in the mid-80s, where they found that […]

Trip Report: Mt Washington and Mt Monroe

First of the month, unexpected weather! Mt Washington and Mt Monroe. 2018-06-02 (Saturday.) Via the Ammonoosuc Ravine trail, Crawford Path, Mt Monroe Loop trail.. Approx 10 miles. Washington: 6288 feet, Monroe: 5372 feet. 65 dF at trailhead, 48 at MW Observatory (approx 14:30). Winds in the 20-25 MPH range, gusting to approx 40 MPH. Cloudy, becoming sunny in the afternoon with 80 mile visibility. Trailhead: 1220. Lakes of the Clouds hut: […]

Trip Report: Mt Hale, Mt Zealand, Mt Guyot, Mt Bond

Last of the month, an unexpected trifecta! Mt Hale, Mt Zealand, Mt Guyot, Mt Bond. 2018-05-31 (Thursday.) Via the Hale Brook Trail, Lend-A-Hand Trail, Twinway, Bondcliff Trail, Zealand Trail. Approx 22 miles. Hale: 4054, Zealand: 4260, Guyot: 4580, Bond: 4698 feet. 72-84 dF throughout the day. Winds in the 20-25 MPH range on Guyot and Bond, moderated on the other summits by tree cover. Sunny throughout the day, turning to […]