Simply put, hikers came out from the woodwork to enjoy glorious weather on Mt Pierce and Mt Eisenhower.
Appalachian Trail
HIking the Jewell Trail up Mt Jefferson îs a great outing unto itself. Add fantastic weather to the mix and you have a lifelong memory.
Last week was a struggle to break trail to 3,600 feet. Today, with a lovely monorail, a far easier ascent… and victory!
Galehead was harder than I remembered from my first trip. It’s also easier than I remembered, too. And despite the clouds, I can’t wait to come back.
Sometimes you get what you want. And sometimes you don’t, but you get something unexpected. It’s all good.
Bluebird days can, contrary to popular opinion, come in unexpected forms. It’s crucial you leave your mind open.
Hiking the southern Presidential range? Yeah, everyone does that. In summer-like conditions during November? Now that’s a very rare treat!
Mt Moriah (4,049 feet). Gorham, NH. 2020-11-05 (Thursday.) Via Stony Brook, and Carter-Moriah Trails, and the summit spur. 10 miles round-trip, approx 3,100 feet elevation gain. 45 dF at the trailhead, 60 dF at the summit. Winds were negligible in the trees, about 10-15 knots at the summit. Sun, with a few clouds throughout. (Note: MW-Obs called for winds of 45-65 MPH with gusts up to 80 MPH on the […]
Early season snow can add a challenge to any hike. When you’re doing a 4,000 footer near the Presidential Range, weather becomes a bigger question.
Getting to the Rainbow Trail isn’t necessarily easy. But it’s so worth it.
The Wildcats are fun, but most people know them from the “front” side. What are they like from the other side? Awesome!
Wildcat Mountain D & A (4,062 and 4,422 feet, respectively). Jackson, NH. 2020-10-14 (Wednesday). Via Wildcat Valley X-C Ski Trail, Wildcat Ridge Trail, 19 Mile Brook Trail, Wildcat River Trail, Bog Brook Trail.. Approximately 12 miles round-trip. (NB: The 12 mile number is from Gaia GPS, and I’m fairly certain that it draws mileage from a 2-D model, not taking elevation into account. This is especially significant where Wildcat A […]