Open your mind to the idea that by doing something mindlessly easy, you might just be moving out of your comfort zone.
Sometimes you need to step away from the familiar to realize what you have, and what you don’t. Sometimes you really need the not-having. And that’s OK.
My legs were at once on fire, numb to the pain, still feeling the crush of every step. But I was in the mountains again, after a far too long hiatus.
How do you describe perfection? Maybe start with things that are more fundamental. Like a three day hike. Golden sunsets. Stars like diamonds.
Why suffer the hardship, the pain, the miles of the Pemi Loop? What’s there? Oh wow, lots.
A Pemi Loop is a long hike, no doubt about it. But for the hiker bagging 4,000 footers, it’s a chance to hike a dozen of them.
I don’t know how the words “Pemi Loop” can’t equate with “tough.” But sometimes, there’s no easy way to enjoy such an amazing experience. And maybe that’s the point.
The Pemi Loop is a classic that defies expectations. And yet, delivers a fulfilling outing — no matter how tired, I just kept smiling.