
313 posts

Trip Report: Bondcliff, Mt Bond, West Bond.

Bonds are Breathtaking! Bondcliff, Mt Bond, West Bond. Lincoln, NH. 2019-03-14. (Thursday) Via Lincoln Woods trail, Bondcliff trail, West Bond spur. Approx 22 miles. 30 dF +/- at the trailhead, 40’s at the summit, with 4-8 MPH winds very occasionally gusting to 20. 30 dF back at car. Clouds/overcast all day. Trailhead: 0745; Bondcliff summit: 1300; Mt Bond: 1400; West Bond: 1500. Back at car: 2000. (12.25 hours.) 22 miles […]

Trip Report: Owl’s Head (Winter NH48 edition)

Owl’s Head Mountain, Lincoln, NH. 2019-02-28. (Thursday) Via Lincoln Woods Trail, Black Pond Bushwhack, Lincoln Brook Trail, Brutus Bushwhack. Approx 16 miles.  10 dF +/- at the trailhead, 20 dF at summit, 12 dF +/- back at the car, with modest winds. Unbridled sunshine throughout the day.  Trailhead: 0915; Summit; 1425; back at car: 1800. (8.75 hours.) February Surprise! Last night, I was looking, somewhat off-handedly, at New England Trail […]

Trip Report: South Carter Mountain

So it’s been a year… South Carter Mountain, Bean’s Purchase, NH. 2019-02-21. (Thursday) Via 19 Mile Brook Trail, Carter Dome Trail, Carter-Moriah Trail 28 dF +/- at the trailhead, 22.4 dF at the summit. 33.5 dF back at the car. Mainly cloudy, with a brief period of occasional breaks in the clouds. Very windy — above the trees, 50+ MPH per MW OBS; wind penetrated tree cover to the trail […]

Trip Report: Carter Dome

Carter Dome, Gorham, NH. 2019-02-16. (Saturday) Via 19 Mile Brook trail, Carter Dome trail. 25 dF +/- and partly cloudy. Wind at summit was 10-25 knots. Even in the trees, winds approached 5-8 knots at times. Trailhead: 1000; Carter Dome summit: 1400; back at car: 1730. This was a weird one. I don’t know whether there was a thing going on, but I noticed all week long, whenever I went […]

What’s up with the weird post earlier?

A slightly unusual thing happened today after I got off the mountain. My email subscribers might have noticed a bit of a wrinkle in the fabric of space-time, as they say. A glitch in the Matrix, as some others may say. “Huh?” as everyone else might mutter. (For that last group, I nixed the post when it became obsolete.) I met a wonderful group of people this afternoon. A couple […]

Video: Mt Washington and Mt Monroe

Thinking back, it still amazes me how quickly weather can move on Mt Washington and vicinity. The video shows an almost instantaneous change from completely socked-in clouds, to seeing the sun break out. And no kidding, that change did seem to happen nearly instantaneously — I doubt it took more than about 10-15 minutes, though you could tell the sun was trying to push through the clouds for quite awhile […]

Trip Report: Mt Washington and Mt Monroe

An unexpected opportunity! Mt Washington and Mt Monroe. 2019-02-07 (Thursday.) Via the Ammonoosuc Ravine trail, Crawford Path, Mt Monroe Loop trail.. Approx 10 miles. Washington: 6288 feet, Monroe: 5372 feet. 35 dF at trailhead, 34dF at MW Observatory (approx 14:00). Winds in the 20-30 MPH range. Cloudy, becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon. RH at or near 100% for the entire day. Trailhead: 1020. Lakes of the Clouds hut: 1230. Washington […]

Trip Report: Mt Waumbek

Mt Waumbek. Jefferson, NH. Groundhog Day. 2019-02-02 (Saturday.) Via Starr-King Trail, Approx 6.5 miles, out and back. (Includes Mt Starr-King.)  10 dF +/- at the trailhead, 5 dF at summit, with negligible winds in the trees and at the summit. 17 dF back at the car.  Overcast. Descending ceiling in the distance. Trailhead: 0900; Waumbek Summit: 1200; back at car: 1400. (Approx. 5 hours.) A treat.  There are things I […]

Trip Report: Mt Moosilauke

Mt Moosilauke. Benton, NH. 2019-01-17 (Thursday.) Via Glencliff Trail, Approx 8 miles, including South Peak. 1 dF +/- at the trailhead, 5 dF at summit, with negligible winds in the trees, approx 25 MPH wind at the summit. Unbridled sunshine throughout the day.   Trailhead: 1000; Moosilauke Summit: 1300; South Summit: 1330; back at car: 1500. (Approx. 5 hours.)  I’ll probably have more to write shortly, but the day was amazing […]

Trip Report: Mt Tom, Mt Field, Mt Willey, Mt Avalon

Via Avalon Trail, A-Z Trail, Willey Range Trail, Approx 10.6 miles. 25 dF +/- at the trailhead, 20 dF at Mt Field summit, with negligible winds. Cloudy, with some fog.  Trailhead: 0940; Mt Tom Summit: 1215; Mt Field Summit: 1330; Mt Willey Summit; 1430; Mt Avalon Summit: 1600; back at car: 1655. (Approx. 7.25 hours.)  What is the sound of solitude? Considering what I was hoping for, I got a […]