North Uncanoonuc Mountain is the higher of the two, but nonetheless, offers great views, and a quick, kid-friendly trail.
New Hampshire
Lovewell Mountain is a great, family friendly hike. Limited views from the summit don’t diminish all the neat stuff you can see down at your feet.
Hiking Mt Thumb and Mt Skatutakee on a pleasant spring afternoon is everything your soul could want.
Fox Research Forest is an easy going hike, with modest grades and smooth trails. Forget the expansive views, and just go to enjoy the forest and the trees.
Happily hiking Hedgehog Mountain in New Hampshire. It was a glorious day on a glorious trail, with glorious views. What more do you need?
The last of winter hiking for this season saw me heading out toward the Sawyer River along an old rail bed.
The trail provides. Sometimes it’s just the healing quietude of an otherwise unremarkable trip.
2 months of convalescing was enough. 8 miles of tramping around in the woods was just the prescription I needed. A day in Lincoln Woods is time well spent.
You need to be ready. Once in awhile, you actually get good winter weather in the Presidential range. When it happens, all is good.
Mt Washington doesn’t give up the goods easily, but if you’re patient, perhaps you’ll get lucky. But be prepared for snowy, whiteout conditions.
North and South Kinsman offer great views, an easy ascent, and a quick and painless traverse across the col. What’s not to like?
In the Whites, and especially on Mt Washington, summiting should always be optional on a winter hike. Sometimes, you’re just breaking trail for those behind you, and the summit will just have to wait.