North Pack Monadnock. 2018-01-09 (Wednesday). Via Wapack Trail. This one’s an easy walk in the woods, even in the snow. Bring basic traction and trekking poles, but otherwise, it’s not that challenging for anyone in suitable shape to go for a walk in the woods. Wintertime offers a stark take on the forest; a study in light and dark, and many times, black and white. The forest is distilled to […]
New Hampshire
Mt Tom, Mt Field, Mt Willey, Mt Avalon. 2019-01-03 (Thursday.) Four mountains means an embarrassment of riches where film footage is concerned. Despite the clouds, there was so much to see, and so much visually striking landscape. Enjoy! If you enjoy reading these posts, consider subscribing, so you can stay informed. There’s no cost to do so. Your email will only be used to alert you of new posts — […]
A local quickie on a beautiful day! 19 December, 2018 It was beautiful out, so a hike was in order. I’m still getting used to shooting photos and video with the GoPro, so it was good on at least two levels. Oh, and the views behaved from the fire tower, so there’s a third level — Washington was visible, as were other prominent peaks in the Whites, and with careful […]
Via the White Dot Trail. Trailhead: 1030. Summit: 1145. Car: 1300. The forecast put the chances of a t-storm at a flip of a coin. I’ve hiked that bad Larry in a tropical storm before, so what’s a little thunder? OK, I’m crazy, but not stupid. Our aim from moment one was to be off the mountain, or at least well down from the summit, by 1300. We did well […]
The AMC is discontinuing the WMG Online site as of the end of September. Currently, they’re no longer accepting new subscriptions. If you have saved routes, they’ll continue to be accessible until the end of September, but expect them to be gone after that. Similarly, if you were thinking about a trip, time to start drawing up and exporting maps. Current subscribers will get prorated refunds as appropriate. Right now, […]
27 June, 2018. Via the Marion Davis and Wapack trails. The unexpected consequence of finishing the 48 was that I felt more than a bit disjointed. I had a sense that something like this would happen — anyone who’s done something big and long-term like this (maybe a wedding, or school, or an all-consuming project at work) knows that often, you just need to sit on the sofa for a […]
And then, there were none! North and South Kinsman Mountain (4,293 and 4,658 feet, respectively), Cannon Mountain (4,100 feet). Franconia, NH. With a crossing over the Cannonballs. 60 dF at trailhead, approx 70 dF at summits. Cloudy to start, giving way to mostly sunny skies and 20-30 miles visibility. Very windy at Cannon summit — approximately 25-30 MPH. Via Lonesome Lake, Fishin’ Jimmy, Kinsman Ridge, and Hi-Cannon trails. Trailhead: 0745. […]
Short, hard, but sweet! (Yet hazy!) Mt Moosilauke. Approx 9 miles. 4,802 feet. 60 dF at trailhead, approx 60 dF at summits, 30 MPH winds above tree line. Sunny throughout, with a hazy overcast sky. Visibility approx 10 miles, max. Very windy at the summit — approximately 25-30 MPH. Trailhead: 0900. Summit: 1115. Car: 1330. This couldn’t have been more straightforward. Hike Glencliff trail up and down. It’s not “hard” […]
It was a long, hard day. Mt Jefferson, Mt Adams, Mt Madison. 2018-06-16 (Saturday.) Via the Sylvan Way, Amphibrach, Randolph Path, Jefferson Loop, Gulfslide Trail, and Valley Way. Approx 14 miles. Jefferson 5,716 ft, Adams 5,799 ft, Madison 5,366 ft. 60 dF at trailhead, approx 60 dF at summits, 30 MPH winds above tree line. Sunny throughout, with a bit of hazy overcast sky. Trailhead: 0930. Jefferson summit: 1415. Adams […]
With only minor annotations, I’m going to let the pictures tell the story here. Words will only get in the way. These are more or less in order that I took them. (Right-click to embiggen, cromulently.) Visibility on Monroe was pretty much this. Waterfall on Ammonoosuc Ravine trail. A truly hinky footbridge. And yet, we blindly trust they’ll hold our weight. Gem Pool. Gin clear. Near the summit, looking mostly […]
First of the month, unexpected weather! Mt Washington and Mt Monroe. 2018-06-02 (Saturday.) Via the Ammonoosuc Ravine trail, Crawford Path, Mt Monroe Loop trail.. Approx 10 miles. Washington: 6288 feet, Monroe: 5372 feet. 65 dF at trailhead, 48 at MW Observatory (approx 14:30). Winds in the 20-25 MPH range, gusting to approx 40 MPH. Cloudy, becoming sunny in the afternoon with 80 mile visibility. Trailhead: 1220. Lakes of the Clouds hut: […]
Fire tower #2 Mt Kearsarge, Wilmot, NH. 2018-30-05. (Wednesday) Via Barlow and Winslow trails. Approx 3 miles roundtrip on trail, 3 hours. 70 dF. Sunny, with a light wind at the summit. It was a great day for a hike. With plans to bag more peaks in the Whites in the near future, I didn’t want something strenuous, but I did want to take in a short mountain. Something a […]