4000 footers

177 posts

Trip Report: Bondcliff, Mt Bond, West Bond.

Bonds are Breathtaking! Bondcliff, Mt Bond, West Bond. Lincoln, NH. 2019-03-14. (Thursday) Via Lincoln Woods trail, Bondcliff trail, West Bond spur. Approx 22 miles. 30 dF +/- at the trailhead, 40’s at the summit, with 4-8 MPH winds very occasionally gusting to 20. 30 dF back at car. Clouds/overcast all day. Trailhead: 0745; Bondcliff summit: 1300; Mt Bond: 1400; West Bond: 1500. Back at car: 2000. (12.25 hours.) 22 miles […]

Trip Report: Middle Carter Mountain

A year later, and not much has changed, but the route. Middle Carter Mountain, Bean’s Purchase, NH. 2019-03-09. (Tuesday) Via Imp Trail, North Carter Trail, Carter-Moriah Trail. Approximately 10.5 miles. 31 dF +/- at the trailhead, 20 at the summit. 28 back at the car. Limitless blue skies with not a cloud in sight. Winds were approximately 25-35 at the higher altitudes, attenuated significantly where there were trees. RH between […]

Trip Report: Owl’s Head (Winter NH48 edition)

Owl’s Head Mountain, Lincoln, NH. 2019-02-28. (Thursday) Via Lincoln Woods Trail, Black Pond Bushwhack, Lincoln Brook Trail, Brutus Bushwhack. Approx 16 miles.  10 dF +/- at the trailhead, 20 dF at summit, 12 dF +/- back at the car, with modest winds. Unbridled sunshine throughout the day.  Trailhead: 0915; Summit; 1425; back at car: 1800. (8.75 hours.) February Surprise! Last night, I was looking, somewhat off-handedly, at New England Trail […]

Trip Report: South Carter Mountain

So it’s been a year… South Carter Mountain, Bean’s Purchase, NH. 2019-02-21. (Thursday) Via 19 Mile Brook Trail, Carter Dome Trail, Carter-Moriah Trail 28 dF +/- at the trailhead, 22.4 dF at the summit. 33.5 dF back at the car. Mainly cloudy, with a brief period of occasional breaks in the clouds. Very windy — above the trees, 50+ MPH per MW OBS; wind penetrated tree cover to the trail […]

Trip Report: Carter Dome

Carter Dome, Gorham, NH. 2019-02-16. (Saturday) Via 19 Mile Brook trail, Carter Dome trail. 25 dF +/- and partly cloudy. Wind at summit was 10-25 knots. Even in the trees, winds approached 5-8 knots at times. Trailhead: 1000; Carter Dome summit: 1400; back at car: 1730. This was a weird one. I don’t know whether there was a thing going on, but I noticed all week long, whenever I went […]

Video: Mt Washington and Mt Monroe

Thinking back, it still amazes me how quickly weather can move on Mt Washington and vicinity. The video shows an almost instantaneous change from completely socked-in clouds, to seeing the sun break out. And no kidding, that change did seem to happen nearly instantaneously — I doubt it took more than about 10-15 minutes, though you could tell the sun was trying to push through the clouds for quite awhile […]

Trip Report: Mt Washington and Mt Monroe

An unexpected opportunity! Mt Washington and Mt Monroe. 2019-02-07 (Thursday.) Via the Ammonoosuc Ravine trail, Crawford Path, Mt Monroe Loop trail.. Approx 10 miles. Washington: 6288 feet, Monroe: 5372 feet. 35 dF at trailhead, 34dF at MW Observatory (approx 14:00). Winds in the 20-30 MPH range. Cloudy, becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon. RH at or near 100% for the entire day. Trailhead: 1020. Lakes of the Clouds hut: 1230. Washington […]

Trip Report: Mt Jackson

I need to learn to turn around… Mt Jackson, Bean’s Purchase, Coos County, NH. 2019-02-02 (Wednesday) Via Webster-Jackson, Webster-Cliff, Mitzpah Cutoff, and Crawford Path. 40 dF. Cloudy, becoming mostly sunny. Light wind, approx 5-10 MPH, gusting to 15. 95-97 avg % RH, avg 40 dF avg dew point. avg 26 mm Hg. Trailhead: 1100; Summit: 1300; Mitzpah Hut: 1500; back at car: 1630. Approx 7 miles.  In toto, it was […]

Trip Report: Mt Waumbek

Mt Waumbek. Jefferson, NH. Groundhog Day. 2019-02-02 (Saturday.) Via Starr-King Trail, Approx 6.5 miles, out and back. (Includes Mt Starr-King.)  10 dF +/- at the trailhead, 5 dF at summit, with negligible winds in the trees and at the summit. 17 dF back at the car.  Overcast. Descending ceiling in the distance. Trailhead: 0900; Waumbek Summit: 1200; back at car: 1400. (Approx. 5 hours.) A treat.  There are things I […]

Trip Report: Mt Moosilauke

Mt Moosilauke. Benton, NH. 2019-01-17 (Thursday.) Via Glencliff Trail, Approx 8 miles, including South Peak. 1 dF +/- at the trailhead, 5 dF at summit, with negligible winds in the trees, approx 25 MPH wind at the summit. Unbridled sunshine throughout the day.   Trailhead: 1000; Moosilauke Summit: 1300; South Summit: 1330; back at car: 1500. (Approx. 5 hours.)  I’ll probably have more to write shortly, but the day was amazing […]

Video: Mt Tom, Field, and Willey, (+Mt Avalon.)

Mt Tom, Mt Field, Mt Willey, Mt Avalon. 2019-01-03 (Thursday.)  Four mountains means an embarrassment of riches where film footage is concerned. Despite the clouds, there was so much to see, and so much visually striking landscape. Enjoy! If you enjoy reading these posts, consider subscribing, so you can stay informed. There’s no cost to do so. Your email will only be used to alert you of new posts — […]