
6 posts

Trip Report: North Brother Mountain

Tetra? No, Solo! North Brother Mountain, Millinocket, Maine. 2018-09-27. 4,150 feet. Via Marston Trail. Trailhead: 1030. Mt Coe trail junction: 1245. Summit: 1340. Car: 1700. Sunny, light breeze (approx 5 MPH), with occasional clouds. Essentially limitless visibility.  It was an audacious plan, and it would have worked, too… if it wasn’t for those meddling kids! OK, so if I’d gotten out of bed an hour earlier, maybe. I’d hoped to […]

Trip Report: Mt Abraham

A quickie with a long drive.  Mt Abraham, 4050 feet. Kingfield, ME. 16 August, 2018. 75 dF at trailhead, approx 70 dF at summit. 30+ miles visibility. A bit windy at the summit — approximately 10-15 MPH with gusts to more than 20. Via Fire Warden trail. Trailhead: 1025. Summit: 1325. Car: 1630. Approximately 8 miles there and back again. At least the drive has eye candy. Instead of coming up […]