Sometimes you look out into the clouds, look inward, and hope to see beyond. Occasionally you find clarity.
Mt Hale
Driving through Franconia Notch, I felt a stirring, drawing me to Hale. Why the trail that’s not on the map? Because it’s there.
The fire warden’s trail is a bit of a secret handshake. But for those trampers who are given to wander, the solitude is amazing.
Mt Hale is a short hike to the summit. So how to bulk out the day? Add a couple other side-destinations, of course!
It’s the best worst kept secret in the Whites. Hiking Mt Hale from the west features easy grades, and a fine outing for those willing to look a little harder for the way forward.
Last of the month, an unexpected trifecta! Mt Hale, Mt Zealand, Mt Guyot, Mt Bond. 2018-05-31 (Thursday.) Via the Hale Brook Trail, Lend-A-Hand Trail, Twinway, Bondcliff Trail, Zealand Trail. Approx 22 miles. Hale: 4054, Zealand: 4260, Guyot: 4580, Bond: 4698 feet. 72-84 dF throughout the day. Winds in the 20-25 MPH range on Guyot and Bond, moderated on the other summits by tree cover. Sunny throughout the day, turning to […]