White Mountains

184 posts

New Video! Mt Cabot

I’ve been trying to play catch-up with video footage I’ve collected on past hikes. The most recent? Mt Cabot, in March of 2019. The fun part of all of this is that I’m re-living past hikes. As I write this, the afternoon’s weather was quite warm and pleasant — the kind where you open the windows and let in some fresh air.

Trip Report: A Hike to Goodrich via Greeley

Goodrich Rock. Livermore, NH. 2021-04-08 (Thursday.) Via Greeley Ponds Trail and Goodrich Rock Trail. Approx 6 miles round-trip. 70 dF at the trailhead, 75 dF at the summit. Windless. Sun and clouds throughout.  Trailhead: 1300. Goodrich Rock: 1500. Car: 1700.  Green on Greeley to Goodrich.  Last week, I decided to hang low due to an ingrown toenail that’s been giving me grief. It’s been slowly resolving itself, but not to […]